HS code is very important if you want to import or export products because it will help determine the customs duty and taxes. Normally you can get the HS code from your supplier if you import a product, and if you are trying to analyze the product for import or export, you have to find it yourself. Many people don’t know about the HS code for export import products when they start import export business for the first time because of the lack of research.
But after reading this article, you will know all about it and how you can find HS code for export import products.
What is HS code?
HS code is a harmonized system which is used to classify product in international trade and freight. It is a globally standardized system of numbers to classify import export products. It also helps government officials to assign customs duty and special exemption in different trade agreements. The WCO (World Customs Organization) developed this system to simplify the process of trade.
The HS code system covers over 5000 commodity groups, each identified by different HS codes. More than 200 countries use this system to specify the customs tariff, and it also helps in international trade statistics.
How many digits are there in an HS Code?
In Pakistan, there are 8-digits in each HS code for export import products. First, 2-digits of the HS code indicate the HS chapter, second 2-digits indicate the HS heading, third 2-digits indicate the sub-heading, and the last 2-digits indicate the item level.
The WCO defined the first 6-digits of the harmonized system, and countries specified the rest of the digits. HS code can be different in other countries, so you need to check thoroughly. In some countries, the HS code can be 14-digits. In Europe, the 8-digit HS code is used for export declaration, and 10-digit HS code is used for imports.
Now the question is how we can find HS code for export import products. So keep reading, and you will get to know what to do.
How to find HS code for export import products
The process of finding the HS code for export import products is not very difficult. You can find the HS code of any product in the customs tariff of Pakistan or the tariff of the respective country. Customs tariff is a book of HS codes containing the import customs duty of the products, but the book is too lengthy to find the exact code if you don’t know anything about it. At least you should know the 4-digits of the HS code to find the right HS code for your product.
So, what you can do is search the HS code of your product on Google, and after you find the HS code, you need to verify it with the customs tariff of Pakistan.
Open Google and type the search query like “HS code of your product” and replace your product with the name of the product.
Now click on the Google search to open the search results there, you will see the HS code of your product. There is a great chance you will see the 4-digit HS code.
Copy the HS code you see in the search results and verify it with the Pakistan customs tariff to get the exact HS code of your product. Now open the customs tariff and press Ctrl F, a search bar will pop up and then paste the HS code you found on Google to find your product in the tariff.
When you search the code in the tariff, it will take you to the specific section, and you will see all the related items there. Read the descriptions to get the exact HS code of your product for the trading business.
There you see different HS codes for the specific category of your product, and if you don’t see the exact match of the category of your product, but your product falls under the HS code you searched, then the product must be cleared under the other category of that HS code.
Final Words
I hope this article helps you find the right HS code for your product. Every product is specified with an HS code for international trading purposes. There is one more thing that you should know, that when you search for the HS code on Google, there is a chance that you see multiple HS code. You can verify each HS code with the customs tariff to get the right one.